5 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day 2020

Earth Day 2020 will be the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! Our friends at DoubleA Paper have provided several great ways for you to celebrate Earth Day this year.
Earth Day represents our responsibility to the planet and the importance of conserving nature. Since Earth Day began in 1970, we have seen increased concern for our planet and a rise in conservation efforts.
The years preceding the introduction of Earth Day were riddled with air pollution from inefficient vehicles and booming industrial trade. It was common for companies to expel large amounts of fossil fuels with no concern for the environment.
In 1969, a US senator named Gaylor Nelson witnessed a major oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. After experiencing the devastation of such an act, Nelson decided to fuse the energy of activism with conservation efforts. This pushed the importance of the environment into the national agenda. April 22, 1970, was declared the first official Earth Day. People from all walks of life joined in on the festivities and organized programs to support and promote environmentally friendly actions.
Celebrating Earth Day is a great chance to consider how you can help the environment. This sustainable holiday serves as a reminder of how we influence the planet. It encourages us to implement conservation efforts in our everyday lives and support environmental sustainability.
In honor of Earth Day, we gathered five ways to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Take a look at the sustainable activities below!
1. Plant a Tree for Earth Day 2020
Trees are among the most important organisms on our planet. They provide clean air for us to breathe, and provide homes for a multitude of wildlife. Trees have the amazing ability to improve our atmosphere over time by absorbing CO2 and converting it into breathable oxygen.
Trees also cool our planet by reducing pollutants from fossil fuels and other harmful chemicals.
Without trees, those harmful substances would stay in our atmosphere, heating our planet. For Earth Day 2020, plant a tree in your yard or with a local organization!
2. Start a Garden
Starting a garden is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and celebrate Earth Day. They are transported from factory farms to grocery stores, polluting the planet. Not to mention, most of them are packaged in plastic!
Planting your own garden will reduce the amount of fossil fuels used in transportation and decrease the production of waste. Gardens are also a great way to support the ecosystem in your community – they will encourage birds, insects, and other wildlife to visit!
3. Use Green or Reusable Products
Take a look at your home and notice opportunities to use more sustainable products. Many companies have taken action to create green products, in everything from clothing to utensils.
Consider switching out household goods with their more sustainable counterparts, and notice how easy it is to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle and support environmentally friendly companies.
4. Fundraise for a Sustainable Cause
Fundraising is a great way to give back to our planet, and there are so many amazing organizations working to better our environment. Some of these include the Environmental Defense Fund, The Nature Conservancy, and The Natural Resource Defense Council.
Fundraising can be daunting, but there are plenty of sustainable products and services to sell for a good cause. You could sell reusable shopping bags to promote waste reduction. You could sell items such as organic seeds, fair trade coffee, or household conservation products like LED lights and reusable water bottles.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to fundraising. Make sure to let everyone know the proceeds are going to a good cause, and make sure to use sustainable paper for any fliers.
5. Join a Roots and Shoots Campaign
The Roots and Shoots program was created by Jane Goodall to bring generations together for conservation efforts. The organization has local chapters in over 140 countries with 8,000 groups globally. Members of the groups work on environmental issues within their community.
There is an entire curriculum that teaches you how to start a Roots and Shoots campaign for
free online.
Earth Day 2020 is the perfect opportunity to serve the environment. Many organizations and
communities come together to celebrate on April 22nd, but your efforts shouldn’t stop there.
Implementing sustainable action into your life is the best way to honor the Earth all year!
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