Dress Your Desk for Success

Dress Your Desk for Success

Work comfortably from anywhere.

This month’s blog comes to us from our friends at Bostitch, the creators of the Konnect line of desk accessories.  Whether you’re working from home, in an office, or in a classroom, having an organized workplace will make your work life less stressful and chaotic.  You may not be able to control many things during your workday, but you can control the beauty and functionality of your work space.

Make the most of any space.

A cluttered desk hinders your productivity and makes it hard to find important notes and documents. It’s important to minimize clutter and maximize space.  You can do that with organizers and stackable storage bins.  You can also mount accessories on a wall or cubicle to keep them off the desk and within reach.



Be comfortable while you work.

Whether you’re working in a cubicle or at home, comfort and ergonomic support are important for your overall comfort and wellbeing.  Choosing footrests, lumbar support for your chair, phone stands, desk converters and monitor stands will ensure an ergonomic workspace that will boost your productivity and help to alleviate some common pain associated with working at a desk.

Break free from the mess.

By utilizing organizers with multiple features, such as stackable storage bins to monitor risers with hidden storage drawers, you’ll save space and minimize clutter.  Say goodbye to that messy junk drawer and hello to optimized organization!

Charge up your most critical devices.

Another important feature to an organized office is to “bring the energy”!  No, we don’t mean another cup of coffee, (but hey, we’re not judging).  Choose desk organizers that provide power to your desktop so that you can charge your cell phone, tablet, or other power device right from your desk as you work — keeping your most important devices charged and ready to take on the day.

Finally, say goodbye to messy cords and cables.

Keep your desk free from wires by easily wrapping your phone charger and other wires around units with a built-in cord wrap or route your laptop cord through a cable management rail. Products like this will keep unsightly cable wires hidden for a much neater appearance.

We hope you’ve enjoyed these suggestions for a more peaceful workspace.  To order the products shown here, visit our website or call to ask us about the Konnect collection of desk accessories from Bostitch:

www.jacobsgardner.com       1 (800) 638-0983

Organizing Everything With Lists

Organizing Everything With Lists

How lists make productivity skyrocket.

Why do lists seem to magically help get everything in order? According to The Guardian, people perform better when they have written down what they need to do.

It’s usually easier to remember what you need to get done at work when you write (or type) it out – even if you’re not actively looking at it. That concept can apply to nearly every facet of your life. Here are some tips to make the simple list, an effective professional productivity tool for you.


Master List

Your master list should be a broad brain dump of short and long term goals you want to accomplish in your professional life. Don’t over-complicate this list. It can be messy and updated whenever you want.

Weekly List

This is where you start to break down your to-do’s into more manageable chunks. First, collect all the items you want to achieve this week. Include small and big accomplishments like “respond to emails” or “complete part 1 of X project.”

Daily List

Now you’re ready to make a daily list. This list should be very specific and can be broken down chronologically or you can assign priority to each item. Start with higher priority projects and leave the smaller stuff for later in the day. If you don’t get to the lower priority items, just be sure to add them to tomorrow’s daily list.

Go Digital

Going old school and writing down your lists on a piece of paper is effective (and feels great when you get to check them off). But papers often get lost in the busy shuffle. Consider using a digital tool to keep track of your short and long-term goals. Many phones already have a list app built–in – and you can refer to them any time!

Include Yourself

Lastly, make sure you schedule some time for YOU. Ideas include: coffee breaks, a 15-minute walk, or stretch, and video chats with your career mentor.

Jacobs Gardner has a huge selection of List Trackers and Notebooks. Visit us at www.jacobsgardner.com or call 1-800-638-0983. We’re happy to help!

5 Time Management Rules for Working

5 Time Management Rules for Working

Why are successful people so often the most effective time managers? Because they do three things better than everyone else:
1. They are continually aware that time is a very limited resource.
2. They learn and apply critical skills to arrange their schedules efficiently.
3. They monitor their use of time and adapt effectively as variables change.

You wouldn’t be here if you had time to waste, so follow these five rules to become the best time manager you can be and get back hours you never knew you were wasting each day.

Time Management Rule #1: Delegate work that others can do 75% as well as you

If you are a manager or executive, consider what you’re doing that others could do almost as well, and free up your valuable time in the process. Because we’re all biased toward the way we do things, make a list of all of the projects and tasks that you’re confident someone you could delegate to would do 75% as well. Then clear your plate for what really matters.

Time Management Rule #2: Organize your day around SMART goals

What makes a goal worth scheduling? It should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). Specific goals are clearly defined, down to the nitty-gritty details. Measurable goals can be tracked or even quantified. Achievable goals are realistic and attainable. Relevant means there is a real purpose or benefit to getting something done, and Time-bound means the goal has a specific deadline. If your goal is MART or SMA but not fully SMART, it isn’t worth scheduling.

Time Management Rule #3: Stop falling prey to time-wasters

If you’re like most people, you could save an hour a day or more each day by following this rule alone. According to Salary.com, 89% of people waste time every day at work, and 69% of men and 62% of women use the internet for personal reasons. To squeeze more time out of your day, every non-essential activity or task that isn’t getting you closer to your SMART goals has to go. This includes surfing the internet, posting on Facebook, and getting a haircut during the day (not every time-waster is digital).

Time Management Rule #4: Prioritize, schedule, and monitor your time

“Spontaneous” is a word for time-wasters. If you can avoid it, make sure you account for all your time in your daily schedule. Create a task list and prioritize the times, first according to deadlines and second to importance. If a task seems complex, break it down into more easily Achievable components. Record how much time you allocate each item in a calendar, and then monitor your time to see when you’ve gone into overtime. Review at the end of each day and week to modify your estimating process and your efficiency for each task.

Time Management Rule #5: Set aside a block of time for reading and responding to emails

U.S. workers now spend an average of 3.2 hours per day checking work emails and more than 90 minutes per day recovering from email interruptions. This is a serious crisis and An excellent first step to take is to set aside a block of time each day to read and respond to emails and let your collaborators know you’ll be reachable and responsive during that time.

Try these tips and share them with your team. Then tell us on Facebook how many hours per day and per week after week one you’ve saved by implementing them!

Jacobs Gardner is here to help you achieve maximum productivity during your workday! Visit us online today: Click Here »