Dress Your Desk for Success

Dress Your Desk for Success

Work comfortably from anywhere.

This month’s blog comes to us from our friends at Bostitch, the creators of the Konnect line of desk accessories.  Whether you’re working from home, in an office, or in a classroom, having an organized workplace will make your work life less stressful and chaotic.  You may not be able to control many things during your workday, but you can control the beauty and functionality of your work space.

Make the most of any space.

A cluttered desk hinders your productivity and makes it hard to find important notes and documents. It’s important to minimize clutter and maximize space.  You can do that with organizers and stackable storage bins.  You can also mount accessories on a wall or cubicle to keep them off the desk and within reach.



Be comfortable while you work.

Whether you’re working in a cubicle or at home, comfort and ergonomic support are important for your overall comfort and wellbeing.  Choosing footrests, lumbar support for your chair, phone stands, desk converters and monitor stands will ensure an ergonomic workspace that will boost your productivity and help to alleviate some common pain associated with working at a desk.

Break free from the mess.

By utilizing organizers with multiple features, such as stackable storage bins to monitor risers with hidden storage drawers, you’ll save space and minimize clutter.  Say goodbye to that messy junk drawer and hello to optimized organization!

Charge up your most critical devices.

Another important feature to an organized office is to “bring the energy”!  No, we don’t mean another cup of coffee, (but hey, we’re not judging).  Choose desk organizers that provide power to your desktop so that you can charge your cell phone, tablet, or other power device right from your desk as you work — keeping your most important devices charged and ready to take on the day.

Finally, say goodbye to messy cords and cables.

Keep your desk free from wires by easily wrapping your phone charger and other wires around units with a built-in cord wrap or route your laptop cord through a cable management rail. Products like this will keep unsightly cable wires hidden for a much neater appearance.

We hope you’ve enjoyed these suggestions for a more peaceful workspace.  To order the products shown here, visit our website or call to ask us about the Konnect collection of desk accessories from Bostitch:

www.jacobsgardner.com       1 (800) 638-0983



This month’s blog comes to us from organizing expert and best selling author, Julie Morgenstern, author of Organizing From the Inside Out, Never Check Email in the Morning, Time Management From the Inside Out and Time to Parent.

Our hobbies, passions, and the things we do for pure relaxation fuel and restore us physically, emotionally, and even spiritually in the most efficient way imaginable. Renewal activities provide care and nurturance for our souls — providing us with the energy we need to get through everything work and life throws at us. Yet, even though we know that and crave time for renewal, it can be very hard to make it happen.

Deloitte Insights survey found that 91% of employees and executives say well-being is a top priority. Yet the majority struggle to prioritize self-care, and 1 out of 3 are constantly struggling with fatigue, stress, and overwhelm.

What gets in the way? Time is certainly one major factor. Our lives are filled with demands and responsibilities, making it difficult to carve out for self-care. But the mechanical time issue is ultimately solvable. There are many practical solutions to the time issue–and we’ll cover many of them in this self-care series. The bigger challenge is our belief systems. In my 30+ years as a time management consultant and coach, I’ve noticed patterns of thinking that hold us back from the self-care we crave and know we need but are afraid to take.

Here are the three most common mindsets that get in the way of giving yourself time for self-care. See if any of these interfere with your ability to take more time for well-being.

MINDSET 1: If I’m not taking care of someone or being productive, I don’t have value. 

That may sound harsh when put in writing, but many high-achieving people are driven by a work ethic that leads them to feel irresponsible or that they have no value unless they are working or taking care of someone. That belief system can be hard to transcend when your value is identified by what you produce, do for others, and give to the world. You may feel like taking time for yourself for hobbies, napping, or relaxing is “doing nothing.” And “If you’re doing nothing, you have no value.”

If you can relate to that, I want you to entertain the idea that the richer and more well-rounded you are as a human being, the more you can have more value in the world. Hobbies stimulate our imagination. Rest allows us to make connections and think more clearly so that we can solve problems in more innovative ways. Being well-rounded allows us to become more compassionate and relate to more people, which equips us to provide even more value out in the world.

MINDSET 2: Taking time for yourself is selfish and/or stealing from others.

It can feel like taking time for fun or relaxation, or yourself is stealing from somebody. It’s stealing from your job. It’s stealing from your family. It’s stealing from your friends. And that can make you feel so guilty, that you don’t dare give yourself the renewal time you really need. But here’s the mindset shift: taking care of yourself is not competing with your job, family, or friends. It’s in service because it restores your energy. It grounds you. It refills your tank so you can give some more. There’s a cycle of energy out, and energy in that allows us to function at peak, and you have to keep refilling so that you can continue to give. It’s not selfish. It’s in service to others.

MINDSET 3: Work first, play second

Responsible adulthood seems defined by the ethics of work before play. This mindset can be a showstopper because we were programmed with that message as kids. You know, do your homework before you go out to play. The principle certainly has its merits. But as that message seeps deeper and deeper into your unconscious psyche, it can drive you to be all work and no play and nearly guarantee that you have zero time for self-care. Your work seems endless: as you check things off your to-do list, more tasks are added all the time. So if you are waiting to complete everything on your to-do list before practicing self-care, that moment is never going to happen. And you will absolutely wear yourself out in the process. So I encourage you to flip the script. You’re a responsible adult, get some to-dos done, play, recharge your batteries, get some more to-dos done, play, restore your batteries, etc. And that cycle of play, work, play, work actually allows us to go the distance.

We need to believe that we deserve time for ourselves and that it is an essential component of a happy, healthy life. If you need a little extra boost, remember this: what’s good for your own mental health is good for all of the people and projects in your life. When you take the time for yourself, time, energy, and focus expands. Self Care positions you to do good for others, your job, your family, your community, and the world.

Your Friends at Jacobs Gardner are big fans of Self Care and Work Life Balance.  Let us make your job easier by providing you with White Glove service for all your office supply needs.  www.jacobsgardner.com

The three best colors for a successful, productive office

The three best colors for a successful, productive office
Three Best Colors for a Successful

Is the overall energy and output of your office dragging, leading to a loss of output and – of course – profits? If so, you could benefit from changing up your office’s color scheme.

The paint color you choose for your office can make a big difference in your employees’ work performance and, more so, your business’ success. Want to stimulate creativity, productivity, or a sense of balance in the workplace? Then consider painting your office in one of these shades of color:

Yellow to Stimulate Creativity

More and more businesses rely on an “out of the box” way of tackling situations, making creativity a necessary quality for any workforce to possess. Unfortunately, unlike pure manpower, creativity is something of an elusive creature – one which may not always be at your employees’ disposal.

While you can’t simply pull creativity out of thin air, you can make steps to coax it out of the recesses of your staff’s minds. To do that, have your office painted in shades of yellow. Shown to stimulate creativity, this shade of paint will do wonders to keep your employees thinking and performing in innovative ways.

Blue to Stimulate Productivity

What’s the good of a workforce that’s inventive if they can’t produce the output you need? The most creative ideas in the world won’t stuff your business’ coffers if they aren’t getting put out there to make you money. That’s why you also need to maintain a productive workforce.

If you find that your staff’s productivity is lagging, then you could definitely benefit from painting your office in shades of blue. Blue is shown to stimulate employees’ productivity. While it’s not as effective for creativity-driven businesses, blue is great for offices that focus on number-crunching.

Green to Stimulate Mental Balance

You need to be careful about how much of the above-mentioned colors you use for your office. After all, too much of a good thing is just too much, as they say, and the saying certainly applies to colors that stimulate your employees’ productivity and output. Too much of them could quickly lead to mental exhaustion.

If you find that your employees are feeling a bit mentally fatigued, try breaking up these stimulating colors with a much more calming one such as green. Green inspires a sense of mental balance that will give your staff the mental calmness it needs to maintain a consistent output that can be far more effective in the long run than bursts of extreme creativity and productivity.

Color matters. Jacobs Gardner carries a huge selection of colorful office products to help keep your business running smoothly. Visit us today!